Major exposé reveals teachers in federally-funded workshop plotting to conceal gender transitions from parents
· Jun 21, 2023 ·

If it ever seems like things are getting better and sanity is returning to your kid's school, be warned: Sometimes the insanity just gets quieter, that's all.

Dozens of Midwestern teachers met online this week and traded tips on helping trans students change gender at school without their parents' knowledge, while criticizing a raft of new Republican laws on sex and identity. gained access to an online session hosted by the Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP), which is funded by the Department of Education, attended by some 30 teachers from Michigan, Iowa, Ohio, Illinois and beyond.

The four-hour fed-backed workshop featured teachers sharing tips on "helping trans students in the face of new laws in Republican-run states on gender, pronouns, names, parents' rights, bathroom access, and sports teams."

One teacher discussed "working with our record-keeping system so that certain screens can't be seen by the parents," just in case a parent decides to take a look at school files and see if their kids are being groomed for transgenderism.

Another openly confessed to flouting state education oversight, claiming to possess her "own right code of ethics, and that doesn't always go along with the law."

Another admitted to "working subversively and quietly"

You getting the picture yet?

Don't get sleepy, folks. These people are well-organized, well-funded and determined to ruin as many children as they can.

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