Man breaks France’s lockdown due to urgent need to "smash a guy’s face in"
· Nov 25, 2020 ·

A man has been fined after he broke France's lockdown rules, which require citizens to provide a written statement whenever they leave their residence. His excuse for leaving his house? To "smash a guy's face in."

The 39-year-old man, living in Brittany, France, was hiding behind a car early Saturday morning when he was spotted by a police car.

Under France's lockdown, residents need a certificate to leave their homes. The certificate is a permission slip that you have to carry with you when you leave your house at any time. Like a hall pass to live your life.

You must select one of the nine acceptable reasons for why you are exempt from the lockdown orders:

Police told CNN that the man,

"Somehow wanted to respect the law, because, when he was questioned at the police station, he insisted on the fact that he was less than a kilometer from his home."

Under France's (totes reasonable) lockdown French citizens are allowed outside for one hour of exercise per day and allowed no farther than one kilometer from their residence.

Très généreux!

Police did in fact check his written permission form and unfortunately for him, it did indeed say: "I've gone to smash a guy's face in. That's my excuse and it's a good one."

Well done, sir. Well done.

Unfortunately, officers explained this was not a legitimate reason and that he would be detained overnight.

Quel dommage!

The man was fined 135 euros for breaking the lockdown and they even hit him with another 150 euros for being drunk in a public space. Who would have guessed alcohol had anything to do with this?

Man, this guy is having a terrible lockdown. Police didn't even bother to ask him what the other guy did to deserve the face smashing.

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