Mask Karen Shouts At Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin For Not Wearing A Mask: "Look Around Governor, You're In Alexandria!"
ยท Feb 4, 2022 ยท

Absolutely hilarious!

Watch this triggered mask Karen go absolutely bananas at the sight of an unmasked Glenn Youngkin in a grocery store:

Karen: Governor! Where's your mask!?

Youngkin: We're all making choices today.

Karen: Yeah, yeah! Look around you Governor, you're in Alexandria! Read the room buddy!

Absolutely, undeniably, Covid crazy.

I don't know what's funnier, the self-righteous, probably triple vaxxed, mask shaming Karen, triggered at the sight of a human face, or Youngkin's look of bewilderment before shrugging her off.

Covid Karen's argument for why he should wear a mask is one really based on science.

"Read the room!"

Oooooh, so if you're in a wacky leftist part of the state you have to wear the mask to show your political fealty, is that it? Or are people in Alexandria more susceptible to Covid than elsewhere?

No, these are people whose minds are warped with the politicization of a disease.

What an absolute joke.

The replies to this tweet "dunking" on Youngkin are equally hilarious.

LOL! This lady is a hero? For what? Getting triggered by a human face?

Here's the real sentiment behind these "masked crusaders" attacking the governor.

Yeah, the STUPID Virginians might support Youngkin. But the smart, trust-the-science, liberal, suburban progressives know better.

Keep it up, lefties: you're really winning hearts and minds!

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