Matt Walsh started a GoFundMe to fix AOC's grandma's house and it raised over $100K in a matter of hours
· Jun 4, 2021 ·

Update from Walsh:

The madman raised over $100K in less than a day and AOC won't let her abuela have it! Unreal! Read the rest of the story below:

What an unbelievably funny move by Walsh.

Story time! So AOC completely clowned herself by taking to Twitter and trying to use her "abuela" as a political pawn to bash Trump the day before yesterday:

How she didn't realize what a self-own this was before hitting "Tweet" is beyond me, but, in any event, people obviously began dunking on her for earning nearly $200K a year, having a luxury apartment in D.C., and driving a new Tesla, all while her grandma lives in basically a shack with the roof and ceiling caving in.

Walsh started things off by having the top reply to AOC's tweet:

Then he decided to level up and actually started a GoFundMe full of savage trollery called "Save AOC's Abuela's Ancestral Home."

Here's the GoFundMe's description lol:

On June 2nd, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reported to Twitter that her dear abuela has fallen ill and continues to live in squalid conditions since her home was ravaged by Hurricane María.One cannot be certain of the cost to repair grandma's house, but surely most of the work could be completed for the price of AOC's shiny Tesla Model 3.As AOC pointed out to us, we "don't even have a concept for the role that [incredibly successful children of two American citizens…] play in their families," but clearly caring for their own grandparent isn't part of it.Says the congresswoman, "…instead of only caring for [my own grandmother] & letting others suffer, I'm calling attention to the systemic injustices…"No, seriously. She really said that.Sadly, virtue-signaling isn't going to fix abuela's roof. So we are.Let's all kick in to help save AOC's abuela's ancestral home. Any amount is appreciated, but the cost of a monthly lease payment on that Tesla is around $499…All proceeds will be donated to abuela, if she will accept them.

Walsh announced that he was kicking things off with a donation of $499 because that "happens to be the cost of a monthly lease payment for a Tesla." 😬

As I type this, the GoFundMe is at $93,097 but it's going up every time I refresh the page. By the time you read this it'll probably be 6 figs. I wouldn't be shocked if it went deep 6 figs or even hit a million by the time it's all over with. It's only been live for 9 hours.

Walsh tweeted at AOC to let her know that he needs abuela's contact info to get her the funds:

Oh, and he updated his Twitter bio. 😂

Really genius move here by Walsh. Epic trollery and actual charity all in one fell swoop.

Hats off to you sir.

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