Meet Elon Musk's latest software engineer. He's 14.
· Jun 18, 2023 ·

When I was 14 years old I made money by mowing lawns. And if we're being honest I wasn't very good at it.

I feel like this young man has a better approach:

Elon Musk's aerospace aspirations are set to be helped by the 'youngest employed software engineer on the planet'.

Kairan Quazi, 14, landed a prestigious job at the space exploration company's satellite team, shortly before his upcoming graduation from Santa Clara University.

This fellow's intellect is almost unbelievable. By two years old he was speaking in complete sentences; by six he was doing "complex math equations." He's been at the top of his game since he was a frickin' toddler.

That kind of outsized brainpower can sometimes be a burden: This virtuoso told the San Francisco Chronicle that it was "physically painful ... to sit through classrooms trapped, existentially bored, for hours and months — and eventually years — on end."

Actually I can kind of sympathize with this bright young man: I too was "existentially bored" in school!

Okay maybe it wasn't quite the same for me.

So what's the secret to this boy's success? Well, let him describe it to you:

'My brain is able to process and synthesize information much more quickly.'

All there is to it!

I'm sure Elon is lucky to have you, young Mr. Quazi!

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