At this point, I think we're all wondering what the heck is going on in our court system when it comes to Texas's SB4 immigration law.
First the Supreme Court decides to allow the law to go into effect.
Then a lower court overrides that decision and blocks the law.
I know it's technically not overriding the Supreme Court decision, but it sure seems like it, and it's sowed more confusion than when Biden won the election running out of his basement.
But there's one group that's not confused.
The Mexican government.
Much like all the Muslim countries when it comes to the Palestinians, Mexico doesn't want us to send back any of the migrants they've been shipping across our border.

When Texas passed SB4, the Mexican government issued the following statement:
"The Government of Mexico reiterates its rejection of any measure that contemplates the involuntary return of migrants without respect for due process," says the statement from Mexico's secretary of foreign relations.
It added that Mexico, "recognizes the sovereign right of any country to decide the public policies that should be implemented in its territory," but Mexico also has a right to defend the estimated 10 million people of Mexican origin in Texas and "establish its own immigration policies in its territory."
"The Government of Mexico categorically rejects any measure that allows state or local authorities to detain and return nationals or foreigners to Mexican territory," the statement says.
When the Supreme Court removed the hold on the law, Roberto Velasco รlvarez the Chief Officer for the North America Unit at the Mexican Secretariat of Foreign Affairs, issued the following statement upholding that sentiment, expressly saying they will not be taking illegal migrants back:
Mexico expresses its rejection of the Supreme Court's decision for the entry into force of the SB4 law. Our country will not accept repatriations from the state of Texas. The dialogue on immigration matters will continue between the federal governments of Mexico and the U.S..
And they're not the only nation refusing repatriation of illegal migrants.
Venezuela stopped accepting flights repatriating their people back in February.
It's widely documented that Venezuela has been sending their violent criminals to the U.S., so they don't have to deal with them.
So, why would anyone but wokies, craving a violent revolution, want them?
However, it's not all doom and gloom.
Let's say Texas starts throwing illegal immigrants on boats and shipping them back across the border.
I think we all know what happens then.

P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐