Michigan governor teams up with "Professor Potato" to "revolutionize higher education." Sadly, this nightmare fuel isn't satire.
ยท Jan 23, 2024 ยท NottheBee.com

Let's check in with my state of Michigan, shall we?


I'm so embarrassed to be a Michigander right now.

I know some people like the "punny" stuff, but I prefer the people running my government to be serious and competent, especially when they take over 4% of my income for the public defense and threaten me with jail if I don't pay up.

If my taxes were going toward something that benefited me, my kids, and my fellow residents, I wouldn't mind. But then my tax dollars get spent on ... this.

I could even get over it if it was a sound investment, but "free" community college just means they're going to take my money and administer it with government inefficiency in an effort that will only make bottom-tier degrees more worthless than they already are.

Again, this is supposed to make people want to stay in Michigan??

At least the replies made it worth it!

There were a few Whitmer supporters in the replies, though...

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