Military generals are worried that American youth are too fat, addicted, and lawless to defend the country
· Dec 29, 2020 ·

In another portent of the fall of our civilization, a group of former U.S. military leaders is warning that the majority of our youth are unfit to serve in the armed forces due to a drastic increase in obesity, drug use, falling educational standards, and juvenile crime.

The group, known as Mission Readiness, says that 71% of our young people are ineligible to serve due to these factors.

"These factors largely fall outside of the Department of Defense's purview but have an immense impact on the ability of the military to recruit new service members as well as a significant monetary impact on the Department," said retired Air Force General William M. Fraser and retired Coast Guard Admiral James M. Loy. "Without coordinated actions, these trends pose a significant threat to the future of the all volunteer force."

Even more concerning, these factors don't take into account the coddling of our young minds over the last few decades that has created shrieking, unhinged adults who are incapable of discipline or disagreement.

In a letter, the group suggested acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller create an interagency committee to tackle the issue.

I think it might take a bit more than that, but since we're a nation that loves a good committee, why not?

It's not like terrorists and despotic governments such as the Communist regimes of China and North Korea are tirelessly training their youth for war and are ramping up aggression all over the globe.

We can rest easy. After all, Biden and Harris are set to form an equitable future free from greed, lust for power, war, and death!

If you had to ask me how we solve this problem in the long run, I'd say we'd need a massive rebuilding of our institutions – namely our churches – to train and discipline young people physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The erosion of everything from the Boy Scouts to the family has been slowly leading to this moment for decades.

As the saying goes, hard times create strong men who create good times, but those good times often create weak men. It's up to us to decide what comes next.

If we want a short-term solution to the problem, however, I may have just the man for the job...

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