Something weird is happening in Walz-y World and the Democrats' reaction to it is perfect.
The MSNBC opinion headline quoted is absolutely nuts:
This is just power hungry Republicans who will do ANYTHING to take control of the state! Those evil conservatives!
The reality? It looks like Minnesota Democrats cheated and were caught.
Here's how MSNBC frames it:
The 2024 elections saw the Minnesota House split 67-67 between the GOP and the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party (the DFL, as we call Democrats around here) for the first time in almost 50 years. At first, lawmakers quickly reached a power-sharing arrangement for organizing the divided legislative body, similar to the last time the chamber was evenly divided. But then the shenanigans began.
Oh yes, the "shenanigans" where Republicans saw that the Dems cheated and then did something about it.
Those darn Republicans!
They started with a Republican candidate suing to invalidate one of the results, arguing that his DFL opponent didn't actually live in his apartment in the area. Even though it's not clear that it's legal to challenge residency post-election, a judge disqualified the DFL candidate last month, giving the GOP a temporary 67-66 majority.
Democrats elected a rep who didn't live in his district, the GOP found out and successfully sued to get him out, and now, with the majority, they are going ahead and electing a speaker.
Failed VP candidate and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz issued a special election for the easy Dem win district in a month so Democrats want to halt proceedings in Saint Paul until they can get a new guy in.
To sum up: Republicans follow standard procedure after Democrats get caught cheating for a seat and then the media calls it a Republican coup.
When Democrats boycotted the opening session Tuesday, NBC News reported, 'Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon, who controls the chamber's gavel between sessions, adjourned the state House and said there was no quorum.' The state House, legally, could not act. Nevertheless, in a half-empty chamber, the 67 Republicans plowed ahead and elected state Rep. Lisa DeMuth as the speaker.
I like this bold Republican Party move in Minnesota. Are we supposed to pretend Democrats would sit on their thumbs and wait for a special election while Republicans rushed to fill a seat vacated by an illegitimate candidate?

This comes as Republicans are also fighting for one more seat. An incumbent Democrat in a swing district won by just 14 votes after 20 ballots were "mistakenly" tossed in the garbage.

Will Minnesota be able to save itself from totalitarian leftist control?
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