Minnesota middle school seeks to vanquish systemic racism by removing Fs from grading system 🤦‍♂️
· Oct 4, 2021 · NottheBee.com

This isn't fair! Where was this during my time in middle school? Smh.

Sunrise Park Middle School in Minnesota will no longer give "F" grades thanks to a recent "equity audit." The new policy is part of the district's "commitment to eliminating systemic racism."

"Our whole intent is to ensure that grades focus on the process of learning," Principal Christina Pierre said. "Therefore, grades will not include behaviors, attitude, tardiness to class, whether the assignment was turned in late or on time."

So, let me get this straight, these educational folks in Minnesota think "students of color" can't:

  • behave well
  • have a good attitude
  • get to class on time
  • turn in assignments when they're due

Hmm, it sounds like the soft bigotry of low expectations for "students of color" if you ask me.

Perhaps the most significant change is that any score below 50% -- even 0%! -- will be raised to 50% automatically. This means a student could literally do NOTHING and still get a 50% score!

Also, there's no more "F" grade. It's "I" now. Yeah, I know. What a great difference that makes!

It's because "F" stands for "fail"? Thankfully, there's no "I" in "fail" -- oh wait...

"An example from the equity audit was the grading disparities among students of color," the White Bear Lake Area School said when it announced Wayne Kazmierczak as superintendent of the year back in February. "Grading can be one of the largest areas in which systemic racism and inequities are perpetuated.

"Under Dr. Kazmierczak's leadership and in line with the district's strategic plan and commitment to eliminating systemic racism, the district began tackling grading disparities a year ago when they dramatically changed their grading practices.

"Leaders in the district know that they will be supported as they have never been before because of the strategic work that has already been done all through the lens of equity."

Here's Sunrise Park Principal Christina Pierre explaining the new grading policy. You could also watch paint dry if you'd like more entertainment value:

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