Oh yeah, I'm sure this was the plan all along.
Major League Baseball switched their profile picture to a rainbow LGBT Pride logo on the first day of the secular high holy month of Pride on June 1st. Because we're still a religious people, after all.
But after 24 hours, THOUSANDS of comments, and THOUSANDS of laugh reactions, MLB switched back to the normal logo again the next day.
Now, I'm sure that MLB totally planned to only leave the logo for 24 hours. It wasn't the backlash and threat of being Bud Lighted that got them to chicken out.

The Bud Light effect is in full force.
I've noticed that this year there have, so far, been A LOT fewer Pride logos than in previous years.
It's almost like if conservatives actually stood by their convictions like they did with Target and Bud Light then they can make a cultural impact.
Who would have thought it?
We didn't even have to say anything to MLB. The laugh react button is enough.
They're scared. Things are changing.