This lady just had the fright of her life when she came face to face with "creeping Christian Nationalism" after a flight attendant dropped a scary, right-wing code phrase to passengers.
How absolutely disgusting and horrifying!
This lady was subjected to an anti-atheist attack by a random Christian Nationalist who wished everyone a "blessed" night!

This lady, of course, is the Editor In Chief at Mother Jones, a radical lefty online magazine.
And the very idea that someone MIGHT be religious (there's no evidence of their religion) and MIGHT let their religion influence their speech is dangerous Christian Nationalism.
And, yeah, this lady is a kook. But how many Democrats in DC think just like this kook?
It's all so ridiculous.
Allie has a point here. But, unfortunately, the types who want to throw "Christian Nationalists" in jail think just like this lady. Anyone who is pro-religion and pro-America is, by their definition, a Christian Nationalist.
Don't you remember this?
Add to this saying "Bless you" in public.
We're ALL Christian Nationalists now.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇