Multiple Left-Wing Virginia School Districts Continue To Mandate Masks In Contravention To Science And Governor Youngkin's Mandate, Forcing Kids To Suffer The Consequences
· Feb 2, 2022 ·

People, we need to continue to pay attention to what's going on in Virginia.

Youngkin won the gubernatorial race and he implemented pro-parent policies, including banning CRT and mask mandates. These are all good things, but the lefties in Virginia are not going down without a fight.

In contravention to the known science and the governor's orders, progressive Virginia schools and school boards are continuing in their defiance by mandating masks.

Here's a story from Fairfax County:

FCPS continues to suspend students EVERY DAY for not wearing masks, even after the Governor signed an order allowing parents to decide whether or not to mask their children.

That won't stop this school system from abusing youngsters, though.

Here's another school in Henrico County, which includes the capital of Richmond:

Students are being segregated, discriminated against, and humiliated for not wearing a mask.

And then the Henrico Education Association has the audacity to instruct their staff to "wear black in defiance of unmasked students in school."

We're at the stage of encouraging teachers to bully their students because they disagree with them politically. And make no mistake, the masks are 100% political at this point.

And, surprise, surprise, it's Old Faithful, Loudon County, showing up in this story as well:

Loudon County continues to double down. The reason a Republican won in Virginia is because of the downright deceitful and despicable Loudon County School Board.

They haven't accepted defeat, however. Now they are going to suspend students who don't mask and not allow them to return unless they agree to wear the mask all day.

But yeah, this is all about public health and trusting the science.

It's about one thing only. The power to make you comply. These school boards are drunk on this power and they aren't gonna let anyone get in their way.

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