What on earth is happening in the UK?
Meet Naz Shah, a Muslim member of parliament in the UK. Here she is giving a speech about how British people should not be allowed to insult the "Prophet" Mohammed:
When the former Shadow Minister of State for Women and Equalities Sarah Champion spoke up about British girls being raped by gangs of Pakistanis, she was quickly forced to resign and was replaced with Naz Shah.
In 2017, Naz Shah unironically liked and retweeted a satirical post saying the raped girls needed to "shut their mouths for the good of diversity."
The retweet came days after Shah attacked a fellow liberal politician, Sarah Champion, for writing an article that said "Britain had a problem with Pakistani men targeting vulnerable white girls."
That crazy idea is TOTALLY unfounded, right??
That wasn't the first controversy from this Islamo-fascist jerk. In 2016, she suggested all Jews be removed from Israel and relocated.
Today, she still sits in parliament, and laughably, most recently served as the Shadow Minister of Crime Reduction!
And what kind of things is she concerned about as the Rotherham rape gang scandal is in the news? Cracking down on "Islamophobic content" on news channels:
People like this should be living in Pakistan, not in Britain.
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