Thursday was ... not a good day for America:
Trump, of course β who almost always gets the plot β quickly zeroed in on the clincher:
Yes, November 5th will be the "real verdict." Here's where we stand according to this new NPR/PBS/Marist poll (which should be taken with a huge grain of salt, but it's interesting so I had to show it to ya).
While 67% of registered voters nationally say it makes no difference to their vote if Trump is found guilty in his "hush money" trial, 17% report they would be less likely to vote for him if he is convicted. 15% would be more likely to vote for Trump.
Conversely, 76% of voters say a not guilty verdict would not impact their vote. Nine percent would be less likely to vote for Trump, and 14% would me [sic] more likely to vote for him.
That's pretty insane if you think about it.
Imagine any other time in history when a felony conviction would make no difference in your vote.
I think Americans know something smells funny about this whole trial!
Seventeen percent is, of course, a huge number. And you don't even need that entire percentage to follow through with that. Just a percent of the percent will do it.
From NPR:
Mike Burr, a Democrat from Georgia, told NPR the trial won't affect his vote because he's voting against Trump.
'The trial kind of affirms that I don't think anybody should be voting for Donald Trump,' Burr said. 'I don't think Donald Trump is good for the country.'
John Duvall, a Republican from Tennessee, had the opposite view.
'I think it's a big farce,' Duvall said. 'It's an attack on Donald Trump. β¦ I'll vote for him more because of what they're doing, because it's illegal. If they send him to jail, I'll still vote for him, because the whole thing is a political attack on him.'
So we're basically exactly where we started. π
How much taxpayer money has been spent trying to crucify Trump now? And all it's done is make blue people slightly bluer and red people slightly more red.
That divide though, is the point. This is why they ran the show trial and found Trump guilty of a sham crime. This is the outcome they wanted.

If you want to know what Biden (AKA the establishment that controls him) was hoping to accomplish with all this, NPR lays it out (they can barely contain their excitement).
Small, but perhaps important, percentages of core Trump voter groups also said they would be less likely to vote for Trump if he were found guilty β those who live in small towns (17%), whites without college degrees (14%), those who live in rural areas (11%) and Republicans (10%).
Counterpoint: Those people are all actually Democrats. π
It's worth stressing that Biden's poll numbers are very much not good right now. The same poll "found Biden struggling with voters who brought him to victory in 2020, such as voters between 18 and 29 and voters under 45."
As well, the poll found that, "Mr Biden leads Mr Trump 50 to 48 per cent in a head-to-head matchup. Among voters under 45, his lead is now down to four percentage points, while among Gen Z and Millennials, Biden's lead is down to six points.
Other polls, meanwhile, show similar bad news for the Democratic president:
It's gonna be a wild ride this summer. Hold onto those hats.

P.S. Now check out our latest video π