Netherlands plans to close up to 3,000 farms to comply with EU climate rules
· Nov 29, 2022 ·

Sure, everyone is going to starve to death because food is going to become out of everyone's price range. And yeah, farmers will be out of work and won't be able to provide for their families.

But at least we'll save the planet by lowering the temperature over the next 100 years by maybe 1 or 2 degrees!

That's the plan in the Netherlands where Dutch officials have decided to completely tank their agriculture industry to save the earth from the sun monster.

The Telegraph has the story:

The Dutch government plans to buy and close down up to 3,000 farms near environmentally sensitive areas to comply with EU nature preservation rules.

The Netherlands is attempting to cut down its nitrogen pollution and will push ahead with compulsory purchases if not enough farms take up the offer voluntarily.

Farmers will be offered a deal "well over" the worth of the farm, according to the government plan that is targeting the closure of 2,000 to 3,000 farms or other major polluting businesses.

So, whether or not you want to sell, the Netherlands is going to take your farm away from you because they need to save the world.

Never mind that the Netherlands' impact on the climate is probably very insignificant globally, they would rather take over the entire industry and all the farmlands for your good.

(And they are a massive exporter of food – as in, MASSIVE... I hope the rest of the world likes starving...)

Besides, you can eat ze bugs.

Farmers' lobby group LTO Nederland said trust in the government "has been very low for a long time". It accused the Government of drafting "restrictions without perspective".

Sjaak van der Tak, chairman of LTO, said: "Of course it is positive that a good voluntary stop scheme is being promised. But the stayers who are central to us will have many additional restrictions imposed."

Agractie, another farmers' organisation, said the voluntary closure scheme was welcome but must not be applied with the threat of compulsory purchase.

Ministers will decide if enough farms have come forward voluntarily to close in the autumn. They say the plan will help biodiversity recover, building could resume and farms without proper nitrogen permits could be legalised.

They are also looking at eventually taxing nitrogen emissions to encourage more sustainable practices, the Dutch News website reported.

Look for more protests to erupt as the government attempts this massive takeover.

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