This Project Veritas stuff keeps on getting spicier and spicier.
This time they've got the SENIOR ADVISOR to New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy—who is up for reelection in SEVEN DAYS—telling an undercover journalist that Murphy is going to impose a statewide Covid vaccine mandate if he wins.
Check it out for yourself:
Yup, you heard her folks.
"Right now it's about winning."
That's actually Phil Murphy's campaign senior advisor and this is not a test. She really said this! And she thinks you're a complete idiot, too.
"They're into all that s***: my rights, my s***"
What do you puny citizens think this is, AMERICA???
Remember: Covid is the most dangerous virus ever and it kills everyone who comes into contact with it, so make sure to give up your God-given freedom and reelect Phil Murphy!

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇