New Jersey quintuplets set to graduate from the same university on the same day
· May 12, 2024 ·

This Mother's Day weekend is a very special one for Silvia Povolo, as she gets to watch not one, but five of her children graduate from college in the same commencement ceremony!

Quintuplets Ludovico, Ashley, Michael, Victoria, and Marcus were born to Paul and Silvia Povolo on July 4, 2002.

This weekend, the quints will all be graduating with different degrees after being awarded full scholarships to Montclair State University near their home in New Jersey.

The parents say that, while raising five kids the same age was a challenge at times, it went by very fast.

Proud mom, Sylvia told WABC

I don't see it as my accomplishment, but their accomplishment. I'm just sitting in the corner and waiting for them to take off.

The oldest of the 5 (by just a few minutes), Victoria, told,

Montclair helped us be together, but also helped us to become our own people, with our own majors, our own interests, our own friend groups.

We customized our own paths, but we got to the finish line together

Victoria will be receiving her bachelor's degree in biochemistry, Ludovico a degree in political science, Ashley an English degree, Michael a degree in nutrition and food science, while Marcus will be getting his degree in business administration.

Ludovico said of the experience,

We are fortunate enough to all be graduating with diplomas and that kind of thing, and doing it with our very best friends, you know, these are definitely my best friends, so doing it all together is awesome.

Congrats to the 5 graduates and a very happy Mother's Day to Mama Povolo!

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