A new "Orange Man Bad" just dropped 😂

Joel Abbott

May 18, 2023

ROFL! The fake news outdid itself this time!

Look at how TIME photoshopped Ronny D's face to look like a cartoon mobster:

What a bunch of clowns.

TIME is out here trying to make DeSavage – the man who stood against the regime on lockdowns, told the rainbow sex cult to pound sand, and upheld constitutional liberties better than any politician in my lifetime – look like the Godfather.

Oh no! I'm so scared of being coerced into unlimited freedom and prosperity! Someone stop this man!

Let me give you the best insult the very objective jOuRnaLiSt Molly Ball could muster:

By operationalizing the culture war into a set of concrete policies, DeSantis has transformed the nation's third most populous state. What was once the butt of jokes about gators and retirees is now the swaggering, Southern-tinged Free State of Florida — where men are men, woke is broke, and business is booming; 1,200 net new residents arrive every day.

Instead of reading a boring long TIME article, I'll tell you what men like Ron DeSantis mean for America in a single phrase:

"Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness"

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