Imagine: there you are sitting down to dinner, when air-raid sirens start blaring, warning you to take shelter. Suddenly, Mark Hamill is there with you quoting lines from his most famous character, Luke Skywalker.
"Don't be careless. Your overconfidence is your weakness."
"May the force be with you."
Either you‘re stuck in a weird dream brought on by that spicy meatball sub you ate before bed, or you're in the Ukraine, and Russian bombs are incoming.
And it's most likely the second option since Mark Hamill lent his voice to the Ukrainian air defense warning system, or at least the mobile app version of it. After you've taken shelter, you might as well spin a top to rule out the first option. Just to be sure.

In the real world, Ukrainians can set the app to have a women's voice warn them in their native language or to have Mark Hamill warn them in English as Luke Skywalker.
Check it out (in the attached YouTube Shorts link):
Ukrainians apparently love the feature.
Bohdan Zvonyk, a 24-year old in Ukraine, uses the app to improve his English and because he's a Star Wars fan.
"Besides," he said, "we could use a little bit of the power that Hamill wishes us."
He also said that after one alert on the subway, a man in front of him turned and said, "Oh, those damn Sith," referring to the Russian forces.
Olena Yeremina, a 38-year-old business manager in the capital, Kyiv, said,
"It's a very cool phrase for this situation," she said. "I wouldn't say that I feel like a Ukrainian Jedi, but sometimes this phrase reminds me to straighten my shoulders and keep working."
In addition to using catchphrases to warn Ukrainians to take shelter, Hamill has also been raising money for an army of drones that Ukraine can use in its war to fend off Russia.
I wouldn't take bets on whether all that money makes it to the front lines or ends up in an Ukrainian official‘s pocket though.