New Washington Post CEO has funneled more than $600,000 to Democrats
· Jun 26, 2023 ·

This next story really caught me by surprise, people; never would I ever have suspected that an unbiased newspaper such as The Washington Post would bring in a CEO who has funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars to Democrats. I'm completely shocked.




Seriously though, is anyone surprised by this?

The Washington Post's new CEO, Amazon board member and former Microsoft executive Patricia Stonesifer, has contributed more than $600,000 to Democrats, campaign finance disclosures reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon show…

Stonesifer's status as the Post's interim CEO, a role she accepted earlier this month after longtime top executive and publisher Fred Ryan announced his resignation, will likely do little to quash accusations that the newspaper's owner, fellow Democratic donor and billionaire founder of Amazon Jeff Bezos, influences editorial decisions.

Stonesifer is a longtime friend of Bezos, having served on Amazon's board since 1997. While Stonesifer told Post employees that she expects her tenure to be short, her mark on the newspaper will be felt for decades, given that Bezos tasked Stonesifer to hire the paper's next publisher and CEO.

Hmm, I seem to remember a newspaper whose official slogan reads "Democracy Dies in Darkness."

Real talk — we still doing that?

More on The Washington Post's new CEO:

Stonesifer has been a prolific donor to Democrats for more than two decades, having first contributed $500 to former Speaker of the House Tom Foley (D., Wash.) in 1993. Stonesifer's status as a prominent liberal donor only grew from there. The Post's new head honcho from 2008 to 2016 combined to give more than $122,000 to Democratic presidential candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and Stonesifer in 2020 gave President Joe Biden's campaign and joint fundraising committee more than $100,000. Stonesifer in total has contributed more than $625,000 to Democrats and liberal organizations since 1993, according to an analysis of campaign finance disclosures.

I wondered why we hadn't heard much from these guys concerning Hunter Biden's laptop...

Well, I'd say this new CEO choice is pretty par for the course for the ol' Amazon Post, so once again, I'm just not at all surprised by this story.

Keep it up, WaPo.

We'd hate for democracy to die in darkness here.

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