Tell me again that "Faucism" isn't a religion. Tell me that Covid-19 obsession isn't a cult. Tell me that our society hasn't abandoned God and replaced true religion with scientism.
This is the sign of a culture that has strayed.
Conservatives, including myself, rejoiced when Andrew Cuomo was forced out of his position as governor of New York. But little did we know he'd be replaced with a "Branch Covidian" who would treat vaccines like a literal religion.
Watch as newly appointed New York Gov. Kathy Hochul addresses (from a pulpit!) a Christian audience and declares the gospel of Moderna and Pfizer:

This person is completely out of her depth. She is just using church language she's somewhat familiar with and then plugging in her political viewpoint.
He made them [scientists, doctors, researchers] come up with a vaccine! That is from God to us. And we must say 'thank you, God! Thank you!'
And I wear my vaccinated necklace all the time to say 'I'm vaccinated!'
All of you, yes I know you're vaccinated, you're the smart ones, but you know there's people out there who aren't listening to God and what God wants. You know this. You know who they are.
I need you to be my apostles. I need you to go out and talk about it and say 'we owe this to each other, we love each other.' Jesus taught us to love one another. And how do you show that love than to care about each other enough to say 'please get vaccinated, because I love you, I want you to live.'
Let's grant that the vaccine is just an unmitigated good (and that's granting a lot) and a gift from God. Even if that is correct, how she treats the vaccine shows that it and "the science" she worships have become her new gospel.
Instead of a cross on her neck, she wears a necklace that says "vaxxed." This is the symbol of her new religion. Her salvation is in this world and it is salvation from Covid-19.
Originally, apostles were those who followed Jesus and proclaimed the good news of His gospel. Now, Kathy Hochul wants Christians to be HER apostles and, instead of preaching the gospel of Christ, they need to preach the gospel of the vaccine.
Her new word from God is that this is how you love your neighbor, by getting the jab and telling them that they are unloving and not Christlike if they don't take the shot as well. It apparently has nothing to do with respecting the dignity, liberty, and objections of those who disagree with that assertion, as Magic player Jonathan Isaac recently noted.
But, of course, the wayward people aren't Hochul's "apostles." Her followers are "the smart ones." They are so much more intelligent than the ignorant rubes out there who have yet to accept the gospel of Pfizer and be injected in order to enter her earthly kingdom.

Tucker Carlson picked up this story and did a blistering segment on Hochul and this "new religion."

Hochul has so much faith in this new religion that she is actually forcing it to take precedence over all other religions.
Here's Hochul, a couple of weeks ago, answering a question about religious exemptions from vaccine mandates for healthcare workers.
The governor isn't "aware of a sanctioned religious exemption."
So, apparently, since the Pope is encouraging vaccines, that means that no individual, citing their own conscience, can be exempt from a vaccine mandate.
And Hochul is suing to make sure that her religion of forced vaccination is pushed on those who have a personal religious objection.
Here she is again, declaring point-blank that there are no religious exemptions for the Covid vaccine:
"There are not legitimate religious exemptions because the leaders of all the organized religions have said there's no legitimate reason, and we're going to win that in court in a matter of days."
According to Kathy Hochul, a New York court can tell YOU that YOUR PERSONAL RELIGIOUS CONVICTION HAS NO GROUNDS. They are the high court, and now they are a priestly court.
If Hochul is right, then these courts have absolutely no understanding of how religious liberty works. They cannot decide what someone's religion says about a certain issue. That isn't their place.
But she's going to continue to sue because her religion of Covid-19 must be obeyed.
GK Chesterton tells us how people move away from God and move on to worship whatever they feel is the strongest and most powerful thing in their world.
"[But] it is only by believing in God that we can ever criticize the Government. Once abolish the God, and the Government becomes the God. That fact is written all across human history... The truth is that irreligion is the opium of the people. Wherever the people do not believe in something beyond the world, they will worship the world. But above all they will worship the strongest thing in the world."
Hochul and those who go along with her message have abandoned any true religion, and have replaced it with the worship of government and trusting a vaccine for salvation.
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