NY Gov. Kathy Hochul Defends Continuing Mask Mandates For Children, Compares To Having To Wear Shoes To School
· Jan 23, 2022 · NottheBee.com

Some people on the left have completely lost it because of Covid. They are continuing to deny science and deny reality.

This is most clear when you see lefties demand that school children, who are at virtually zero risk from Covid, continue to mask all day long.

Here's New York Governor Kathy Hochul acting like asking kids to wear masks to school is no big deal.

This is truly despicable.

This thing is so chock-full of lies and misinformation, it'll make your head spin.

Hochul is asked about her continual mandate of children wearing masks in schools, and her reasoning is lacking to say the least.

We're not playing it by ear, we're going to be driven by data.

Oh, sure, you're driven by data.

Please, someone, show me the data that says children are at risk from Covid.

Show me the data that masking kids actually helps to stop the spread of Covid.

Here's some data that Hochul probably doesn't want to listen to.

Suicide attempts from teen girls went up 51% after the Covid lockdowns and school closures. Anxiety and depression nearly quadrupled after the shutdowns. The number of kids being abused in their homes tripled when schools first shut down.

No, Governor Hochul is worried strictly about Covid case numbers. Even though it has nothing to do with kids masking in schools.

She goes on:

I'm not gonna operate in a vacuum. We're gonna have data and experts and people who know a lot about what the next trends are.

But I am really looking forward to lifting them, I truly am. I know people are tired.

You're really looking forward to lifting the mask mandates? Well, here's an idea: DO IT NOW!

No one is stopping you. You have the power.

Look to England which just dropped this mandate. Look to Florida, where they have been going about normal life for more than a year now.

There's no one stopping you from doing this, except those from whom you benefit politically.

The lefties who bask in fear of Covid love this policy. Everyone else knows it's heartless and despicable.

You are the only one stopping you from doing the right thing, Madame Governor.

More from Governor:

My daughter had a meltdown over having to put sneakers on to go to kindergarten. She got used to wearing sneakers in school. They adapt better than adults do.

And I'm really proud of the parents who made sure their kids understood this is for their safety and got it done. But we're looking forward to the day we can lift the school as well as the business requirements... that will be a truly fabulous day.

The Governor of New York, the lady who is in charge of setting Covid policy for millions of people, just compared kids wearing masks at school all day to wearing sneakers at school.

This is a special kind of ignorance or a special kind of evil.

It's just like having to wear shoes, except it also makes it difficult to breathe. And you can't understand your teachers, and they can't understand you. And you can't see the expression on people's faces. And your formative years, when you learn how to communicate, are being hampered by pieces of cloths that are "no more than facial decorations".

Other than those things, it's exactly the same.

If you wanna see how Covid policies effected the average student, you have to check out this video we shared in a story yesterday. It's absolutely heartbreaking.

And here in the US, we have politicians like Kathy Hochul hide behind "the Science" to continue to enforce this inhumane policy.

It's truly despicable.

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