New York's Bishop of Bling has graduated to manhandling women who interrupt his sermons
ยท Sep 19, 2022 ยท

Remember the guy who styles himself a "bishop" and was robbed of $1 million in jewelry during a Sunday sermon a few months ago?

Yeah, he's back in the news: This time for grabbing a woman who interrupted his sermon.

Let's give Jesus a round of applause...

Amen, you not gonna come in my space. I feel threatened.

I am amazed that this man still has a following.

People, if you listen to charlatans like this, I can't help ya. The Bible has some serious warnings about false teachers for a reason.

Admittedly, the woman was being hostile to the pastor and has now been charged.

Both were reportedly taken from the church in handcuffs. The New York Daily News identified the woman as Tarsha Howard, and reported that she was charged with trespassing and disrupting a religious service. Whitehead told the newspaper he was vindicated.

"They lock me up in front of my children, in front of my wife, in front of my church," Whitehead said. "They publicly embarrassed me and then they drop all the charges after two hours and apologize to me."

This guy is always the victim, isn't he?

Such a poor, defenseless little lamb!

Whitehead addressed the situation on Facebook Live later Sunday, as he drove home in his Rolls Royce.

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