Three years ago, then-teenager Nicholas Sandmann had his name dragged through the mud by the media clowns for the sin of wearing a MAGA hat while a man yelled in his face.
The entire country came to know his name, but when the narrative fell apart as a bunch of hogwash, Sandmann sued, and won BIG TIME.
On Wednesday ahead of the verdict in Kyle Rittenhouse's case, Sandmann penned a fiery article supporting Kyle. Here's what he had to say:
The parallels between me and Kyle Rittenhouse are impossible not to draw.
Kyle was 17-years-old when he became a household name after that terrible tragedy in Kenosha.
I was 16-years-old when I was catapulted into the national conversation by video of an encounter with a Native American activist on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
Kyle was almost immediately labelled a 'white supremacist' and a 'domestic terrorist'.
To many, my red MAGA hat clearly meant that I was a racist.
In only hours a CNN host tweeted an image of me, writing: 'Honest question. Have you ever seen a more punchable face than this kid's?'.
Kyle wasn't given his day in court by his critics.
And neither was I.
Lemme interject here for a moment to remind you how horrible our media establishment is and that you shouldn't listen to a dang thing they tell you these days without careful investigation of the facts.
After taking aim at the leftist media, Sandmann continued by blasting Joe Biden and Lebron James:
In our hyperpolarized society, the first impression of Kyle has been set in stone, probably for the rest of his life.
So to President Joe Biden, Lebron James, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, and every other commentator: please be quiet.

On November 10th, Lebron James tweeted out 'What tears????? I didn't see one. Man knock it off! That boy ate some lemon heads before walking into court'.
Lebron's tweet reflects the insensitivity and resentment of the liberal media and elites that has surrounded this entire ordeal, from its beginning to now.
In the video referenced by James, Kyle breaks down as he tries to describe the moments before he made the decision to fire his weapon at the people he felt were threatening his life.
It is oblivious to the trauma associated with this event and how it severely affects Kyle.
Taking a life, for any reason, sticks with someone forever and yet the liberal elites would rather turn it into a joke for likes.
Hey rich elites in Washington and Hollywood: y'all should be ashamed.
This is the point where Sandmann took out his flamethrower and set it to the "extra crispy" setting.
From my own experience, the death threats, feeling of no future ahead, and that millions of people hate you, is enough to alter you in many concrete ways and permanently.
Make no mistake: even the strongest of people cannot resist the mental impact when the media war machine targets you.
With Kyle's name dragged through the mud, and the clear effect it is having on him, many have started to ask the question whether Kyle should sue for defamation.
While I am by no means an attorney, I have gained some experience on the ins and outs of defamation and can offer an educated guess on what the outcome would be if Kyle were to sue.
Dude could burn money he'd be so rich.

Sandmann is still involved in SIX defamation lawsuits after winning hundreds of millions of dollars already against WaPo and CNN.
While Rittenhouse may not be able to sue based on claims of "white supremacy" or "racism," there have been several notable lies that have been proven false, such as the claim of "crossing state lines with a weapon."
One of the saddening parts of this media onslaught is that it has taken young people like Kyle and myself to expose how corrupt the media really is.
From my own experience, I know that this cannot be easy for Kyle. While I have waited to comment on the facts of Kyle's case until the trial ends. I cannot hold back on the media's public execution of him before the trial has concluded.
At this time I would like to use my platform to let Kyle know that I am here for you and if you ever would like to reach out to me, I am about the only person our age to have an idea of how the media is treating you. The way the media has treated you is terrible, and you don't have to face it alone.
These guys were minors when the media and the government went after them full steam with as much institutional power as they could muster. For too long, young men and women like this have been left alone because everyone is too scared to speak up against the lies and corruption.
I think it's long past time for the adults to have such bravery and step up to the plate!
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇