Oh look, a train full of migrants is making its way through Mexico to America. I hope New York and Chicago are ready!
· Nov 28, 2023 · NottheBee.com

By design this is happening, folks. By design.

Man, looks like somebody had a fantastic hand in Mexican Train Dominoes!

Joe Biden's so good at that game!

From Fox News:

A train seen in Mexico headed toward the U.S. border had what appeared to be hundreds of migrants riding on top as record numbers of people trying to enter the United States continues.

The migrants were riding atop a BNSF Railway train in central Mexico as it departed from it departs[sic] Irapuato, Guanajuato, around 200 miles northwest of Mexico City.

The train route goes from there to Torreon, Monterey and then Piedras Negras, a border city across from Eagle Pass, Texas.

These people know what they're doing, and they're well aware that we just sort of let them in without many questions. This will continue to happen until we get our real president back, cuz y'all know Biden ain't gonna put a stop to this.

The Dems need as many voters as they can get for the 2024 election!

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