Bloomberg published an op-ed telling us that we WILL EAT ZE BUGS but NPR told me this was a racist conspiracy theory ๐Ÿค”
ยท Mar 6, 2024 ยท

I'm just starting to get the feeling that they're being serious when they say they're going to make us consume insects:

You will eat bugs โ€” and like it.

Me when I learn that I will "eat bugs and like it:"

I am not sure what, exactly, will induce me to eat bugs. I mean if you held a gun to my head I guess I'd do it. But Jessica Karl seems to think she can just sell us on the sheer culinary aspect of it all:

Picture this: It's the year 2093. Your great, great grandaughter is hosting a dinner party for her friends tonight in honor of the total solar eclipse. She starts on the bug board, taking care to assemble the tinned locusts. The hot honey hornets are next. After that, it's the scorpion kimchi and the ant guacamole. Then she takes the baked casu martzu โ€” a Sardinian cheese that contains live insect larvae โ€” out of the oven and tops it with faux caviar. Wanting to keep dessert simple, she drone-ordered some Micolino's ice cream. Guests can top it with cricket sprinkles if they want.

Ah, yes. "Tinned locusts." Guacamole made from ants. "Sprinkles" made from cave crickets.

Oh, and "faux caviar," just to be extra woke! Eat all the insects you want but don't you dare pick up a can of Beluga.

You'll notice that Jessica Karl also envisioned your great-great granddaughter ordering "Micolino's ice cream." Hey, that sounds pretty normal, doesn't it?? But wait:

Micolino's ice cream is made of cricket flour, heavy cream, vanilla extract and, honey, and he tops it with dried whole crickets.

We coulda guessed it.

See, I'm confused, because less than 8 months ago, taxpayer-funded NPR told me that I was a racist for thinking the elites wanted me to eat bugs:

Here's what they said:

Proponents of the theory lean on the anti-semitic trope that 'global elites' have a plot to control the masses โ€” in this case under the guise of climate change solutions โ€” by forcing them to eat bugs.

Okay, and now back to the Bloomberg op-ed from yesterday:

We need a sustainable option for feeding nearly 10 billion people. Creepy-crawlies could be the way.

Malthusians always think we're about to run out of food. Now we have surpluses because of personal freedom that's allowed tech to grow by leaps and bounds. Poverty is halving in the world every 20 years and we're supporting nearly 7 billion more people than there were a hundred years ago with little issue.

You're telling me that we can't come up with ways to farm and ranch more efficiently and we'll need cricket-powder factories instead?

Just last year there was a dystopian conspiracy theory about governments forcing enslaved people to eat bugs. But these scary narratives couldn't be further from the truth: 'They're fine for snacking, but insect protein has its greatest potential as nutrient rich, climate-friendly livestock feed,' as Amanda Little has previously explained. By making animal food out of fly larvae and mealworms, poultry and livestock meat should become much more affordable for human consumption.

Okay, so you're not going to make me eat the bugs?

You're just gonna have my beef eat the bugs?


Whoever chose that headline knew what they were doing I suppose. It definitely got attention (just the wrong kind!).

We're not going to eat the bugs!

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