I'm sorry, what?
The LGBTQ rainbow mafia just wants to be left alone. They just want to get married like everyone else. All they're looking for is a little tolerance.
And if you don't declare an entire month to celebrate their sexual lifestyle, well then you have to pay.
The Ontario Human Rights Tribunal is forcing the township of Emo and its mayor to compensate an LGBTQ activist group because elected officials refused to honor 'Pride Month' in 2020. Borderland Pride asked Emo to proclaim June 2020 as Pride Month and fly a rainbow Pride flag for a week but the mayor and council turned down the request, CBC News reported Friday.
The tribunal, whose rulings are legally binding, has determined that the township must pay Borderland Pride $10,000 and Emo Mayor Harold McQuaker has to provide the group with $5,000 from his personal finances.
It's honestly shocking that they'd expect a town named "Emo" to be decked out in rainbow flags.

But their real crime was refusing to declare a Pride Month in 2020, the year wokeness peaked.
The Ontario's Human Rights Tribunal (an Orwellian sounding group if there ever was one) believes that LGBT people have the human right to a whole month celebrating their sex lives, and if a tiny town doesn't agree they have to pay a fine to an LGBT rights group and extort their mayor to pay half.
And if that group sounds familiar, the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, they're the same folks who helped bring Jordan Peterson to prominence. They love to make people famous.
Here's what Borderland Pride had to say after the decision:
The tribunal's decision affirms that (not declaring pride month is discrimatory). That is the important thing we were seeking here was validation that as 2SLGBTQA plus people, we're entitled to treatment without discrimination when we try to seek services from our local government.
The services, here, being what? A parade? A gay flag mural? A festival?
Because we know that the town of Emo's annual Heterosexual pride month is always a big to-do, right?
The tribunal, on top of levying the fines, is giving the mayor and chief administrative officer the Jordan Peterson treatment.
To further humiliate the mayor and the chief administrative officer of the township, the tribunal ordered both to enroll and complete a Human Rights 101 indoctrination course from the Ontario Human Rights Commission within the next month.
Yes, mandatory reeducation for your evil hatred for refusing to officially celebrate gay-sex month.
Canada, you've outdone yourself this time.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇