Nice pet you got there. Be a shame if anything happened to it...
Attention animal owners at demonstration
Interesting how this is phrased. They specifically cite the gathering as a "demonstration." Not a riot, not a terrorist incident, but a "demonstration."
Why do the people at a "demonstration" need a special warning? Do the authorities routinely make the same announcement preceding other street gatherings like the weekly "Cultural support Circle for Trans and Two-Spirit Folx"?
It's also interesting that they didn't feel the need to specify which demonstration.
It's just understood that it's those noisy truckers with their hats and rough hands, hanging around their city. Can't they just drive in, drop off the endives, gourmet coffee beans, and artisan cheeses and go back to... you know, wherever those people live.
If you are unable to care for your animal as a result of enforcement actions,...
"Enforcement actions," kind of like rainstorms, they just happen sometimes and in no way should be taken as a threat intended to intimidate otherwise peaceful protesters engaging in political expression.
Speaking of which, I understand there is a 90% chance of enforcement action this week.
...your animal will placed into protective care for 8 days, at your cost. After 8 days, if arrangements are not made, your animal will be considered relinquished.
Kind of like your rights?
"Relinquished" is such an antiseptic word, suspiciously vague and purposefully drained of emotion.
Not to worry, it's not at all the kind of thing a calloused bureaucrat would say so as to distance himself emotionally from the inherent cruelty of his actions. No, it just means that your beloved family pet, er, "animal," will be turned over to a shelter where commenters assure us they'll be put up for adoption.
There, see, this is going to work out great!

Well... except when it doesn't.
Shelters across Canada are struggling with pet overpopulation and euthanasia rates....

Not to worry! What are the chances your pet might come to an untimely end?
There's a 70% chance a dog will be euthanized.

Thousands of animals for people infected with coronavirus in Canada have been euthanized. In Toronto, animal shelters are overwhelmed with abandoned pets.

Animal shelters are overflowing with homeless animals. Millions of dogs and cats are euthanized in Canada every year. It's due to the lack of adoption for these poor creatures.

This warning comes specifically from the "Ottawa By-law and Regulatory Services Branch (BLRS)."
Think of them as meter maids who can also kill your dog.
The current conceptualization of By-law Services came into existence on January 1, 2001 when the City of Ottawa Act, 1999 amalgamated... into the single-tier municipality of Ottawa.[2] As a result, the regulatory and parking enforcement services of these former municipalities were consolidated within the City of Ottawa By-law and Regulatory Services Branch.
These are the guys who provide "regulatory services to help protect the public health, safety and property rights of citizens by maintaining a standard quality of life through timely and effective enforcement of by-laws" and also suppressing free speech inconvenient to the ruling party although I don't think that last part is in their original charter.
About six hours after the original tweet, the BLRS decided it was necessary to add a clarification.
The Animal Care and Control By-law provides for temporary "protective care..." the City of animals in the event that the owner is not available, under circumstances including eviction, incarceration, or fire or medical emergency.
You see, they just randomly thought it wise to remind people that they can come arrest you, take your pet, and quite possibly have it killed.
Totally routine.
Good luck Canadian pets, and watch your back!

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇