Remember when they told us "we're coming for your children" and we were supposed to laugh it off?
You know how the evangelical-lite crowd told us that it was ridiculous to think that the state would separate parents from children over the gender issue?
Well, welcome to 2022! It's happening RIGHT NOW.
Yep, in Indi-freaking-ana the courts are ruling to take children away from parents if the parents don't go along with the insane gender ideology and "affirm" their children in their false gender identity.
The Court of Appeals in Indiana on Friday upheld a trial court's decision to remove from a family's home their child because the parents did not acknowledge their child's transgender identity, and the child began suffering from anorexia. The court determined that the refusal to go along with the child's gender identity constituted abuse.
Parents MC and JC filed an appeal against an Initial/Detention Order claiming that the Dispositional order, as well as the trial court's prior order, are "erroneous," and violate their constitutional rights to care, custody, and control of their child, as well as their right to exercise their religion, as well as their freedom of speech. The court ruled that the parents' appeal was "moot," and declined to address it.
This was the appeal. These parents refused to treat their child as the opposite gender and now two courts in the "conservative" state of Indiana have ruled against the parents and taken their child away from them.
Conservatives need to be out in the streets over this. Indianapolis needs to be covered up in protests.
The decision recalls that on May 11, 2021, the Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS), received a report "alleging that Mother was verbally and emotionally abusing then-sixteen-year-old Child by using rude and demeaning language toward Child regarding Child's transgender identity, and as a result, Child had thoughts of self-harm."
DCS received another report ten days later "alleging that the Parents were verbally and emotionally abusing Child because they do not accept Child's transgender identity, the abuse was getting worse, and the Parents were being mean to Child due to Child's transgender identity."
Remember, simply "deadnaming" a child by calling them their actual name, and referring to them by their God-given gender is the definition of verbal abuse in today's woke world.
A family case manager (FCM) investigated the matter, meeting with the parents, child, and siblings, and speaking with a representative from the child's residential school.
A preliminary inquiry report (PIR) from the FCM revealed that both the mother and child said that the child had been suffering from an eating disorder during the following year, and that the child had yet to be evaluated by a medical professional.
The report also stated that the parents had withdrawn the child from school and had not indicated that they were going to reenroll in a new school, the child had been in therapy but the parents had discontinued it, and the "Child did not feel mentally and/or emotionally safe in the home."
We don't know all the details of this case, but we do know that gender confusion often is birthed in schools, and the standard practice of therapists these days is to "affirm" falsehood. So it's totally reasonable for a parent to want their child out of a dangerous situation like school and therapy.
This case involves the child not only having gender dysphoria but also an eating disorder, which is a similar psychological issue.
However, eating disorders are usually appropriately treated and not "affirmed" unlike gender issues.
The appeals court cited the trial court in their ruling, stating "The ultimate goal is for family reunification [β¦] the reality is this is an extreme example of a child having a certain lifestyle that the parent[s] don't agree with. That has been going on for all time. There ha[ve] always been issues where children do things that the parent[s] don't agree with be it religiously or morally or whatever."
"That happens and that is not a reason to remove a child from the home, but when it as in this case there is a clear nexus between that issue and the medical and psychological issues that the child is having that is when we get issues that we have here today that the State is now involved in and because of those issues the child is a ward of DCS and those decisions are going to have to be made through the Court so I certainly understand the objections and the parent[s'] views and I am not discounting the parent[s'] views at all," the court document continued.
"I am not taking any issue with the child's views or the parent[s'] views. They are differing views and that happens in life. [B]ut to the extent that we now have these medical issues that again, there is a [nexus] between this discord about the lifestyle and the medical issues. That has to get resolved and this [is] going to take some therapy and that is going to take some cooperation from all involved," the document added.
The court believes that not affirming a child's gender confusion and delusion can be the cause of mental anguish, therefore the child should be removed from their family.
This story is just one of the first in what will be many to come. If you are a Christian parent and your child wants to transition there is now precedence for the state to steal your children because you won't affirm their gender identity.
They're coming for your children.