Report: Pennsylvania school allows Satanic Temple to use building but forces children to go off campus to attend Bible study
· Aug 29, 2022 ·

Parents in Pennsylvania are more than a little upset about the hypocrisy of a local school that is allowing Satanists to use the school while forcing Christians to take their Bible study clubs off campus.

Fox has the story:

Pennsylvania parents are outraged after a school district allowed a "Satanic Club" event amid back to school festivities as students return to the classroom this fall.

Here's a screenshot from the Satanist's website:

Northern York County School parent Ashley Lynn Crider joined "Fox & Friends First" Monday to discuss what she calls the district's "double standard" as it pertains to religious liberty.

"If they do a Bible study, the church has to pay to bus the students off of school grounds, and then they bring the students back," Crider told co-host Todd Piro. "We send our kids to school to get an education. Anything beyond that is home life or in your community."

The government school lets literal Satan worship take place on campus but "separation of church and state" means Christianity is out of bounds.

Besides the hypocrisy it really shows you who these public schools would rather serve.

She (Crider) also mentioned she was even silenced when trying to sound the alarm during a school board meeting.

"They cut my mic off, I was mad," Crider said. "They shut my mic off… They don't address anything at those meetings… They're just here like they're to listen to everybody… so nothing's ever addressed."

"People that were there for the Satanic Club, like I said, they couldn't even talk during that meeting because they're not in the community," she continued.

Parents weren't even allowed to raise concern about their government school being used to promote literal Satanism!

Here's a local report on this insanity:

What a truly a revealing moment for public education.

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