People are plunking down six figures to be dumped in the middle of nowhere and forced to find their way back to civilization
· Dec 9, 2021 ·

Many of us like to get away to a nice resort or beach town or mountain cottage. Others like to be booted to the barren, pitiless Icelandic outback and forced to survive on their wits alone:

Many people travel to get away from it all. A few travel to get away — and then walk their way back.

That's the idea of Get Lost, an "ultimate adventure challenge" that spirits travelers away to a mystery destination and then leaves them alone in the middle of a remote landscape. Depending on the location and duration of the (distantly supervised) trek, the cost can start around $10,000 and veer into six-figure territory.

Luxury travel company Black Tomato introduced the concept — a kind of a blind date for vacations with "Survivor" elements — in 2017. But with its focus on isolation, Get Lost seems tailor-made for covid-era travel.

I think it's safe to say that most of the world wants to forget about "covid-era travel."

Anyway, "drop someone in the middle of nowhere and make them fight for their own survival" is basically the plot of 1924's "The Most Dangerous Game" or 2010's Predators, so we've kinda seen this before.

Honestly it's probably cheaper just to rent Predators and get your survivalist kicks that way.

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