CNN out here finding new ways to lower the bar on journalism.
So yeah, here's Anderson Cooper comparing the folks who stormed the U.S. Capitol to the genocides in Bosnia and Rwanda that literally left HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS dead.
FYI, the absolutely horrific Rwandan genocide killed approximately 800,000 people in just 100 days. The attack on the Capitol left exactly five dead, and was not, in fact, a genocide.

Obviously, it's tragic and awful and stupid that even one person died on January 6th.
But to compare those two events requires a level of clown logic scientists have only ever observed once before in the wild...
Oh, that other time was also by Anderson Cooper, who according to The Federalist, said this back in January:
"I was in Rwanda in the genocide… I hear people talking about civil war in America… I am so upset when I hear these people at rallies – Trump rallies talking about Civil War as if it's some sort of a cleansing," Cooper said.