I guess it shouldn't come as a total surprise when people like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are considered Catholics in good standing, but these latest numbers from Pew are pretty sobering.
The Pew Research Center released a blog titled "9 Facts about U.S. Catholics" on Friday. One fact included on the list, based on research conducted from March 27 through April 2, 2023, found that 61% of Catholics living in the United States believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases. This is a slightly smaller percentage than the number of U.S. adults who said the same (62%).
There's essentially no difference between the average Catholic and the average American over whether or not the killing of children in the womb should be illegal. 61% of Catholics and 62% of all Americans are pro-death.
This is a marked shift from 2018, when 48% of Catholics believed abortion should be legal in most cases compared to 47% who believed it should be illegal. Here is the 2018 chart: One has to wonder how it has shifted in the last 6 years.
Unsurprisingly, actual devout Catholics (not the Joe Biden "devout Catholics") are more opposed to baby killing.
Conversely, the difference in support for abortion among Catholics who attend Mass weekly and those who go less frequently is much starker. Only 34% of Catholics who go to Mass every week think abortion should be legal in all or most circumstances. Meanwhile, 68% of Catholics who attend Mass once a month or less or not at all support legal abortion in all or most cases.
Whoa, are you telling me that attending church and hearing the Word of God makes you more conformed to the spirit of Christ than the world??
The problem is that most Catholics don't really attend mass other than a few times a year. Seriously, less than 30% go weekly. You have a remnant who are faithful attendees, but the majority have no real devotion to the faith.
The report measured the share of U.S. Catholics who attend Mass weekly at 28% while finding that 10% of American Catholics go to church once a month, and the remaining 62% attend Mass a few times a year or less...
Hmm... 62% of Catholics pay lip service to God and 61% believe baby murder is okay?

Additional findings from the Pew Research Center show that partisan affiliation also plays a role in Catholics' level of support for abortion. Forty-three percent of Catholic Republicans favor legal abortion in all or most circumstances compared to 78% of Catholic Democrats.
This study from Pew was on Catholic churches in America, but I would not be shocked to find a similar breakdown in other Western countries.
For comparison, in Evangelical Protestant churches (which specifically use the name "evangelical" to denote a separation from mainline Protestant churches that they believe have become complacent and wayward), the number of people who support abortion in all or most cases is still at 33%.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇