Pew Research poll shows 65% of Dems think censorship of "misinformation" is good even if it suppresses personal rights (and the pursuit of truth)
· Aug 30, 2021 ·

Of all the divides in our culture, the one around the pursuit of freedom and truth may be the biggest.

Here's what happened when Americans were asked if "the government should take steps to restrict false information, even if it means losing some freedom to access and publish content."

In 2018, Republicans and Democrats opposed the idea of government-mandated restrictions on speech at roughly the same rate. Only 37% of Republicans and 40% of Democrats wanted political authorities to intervene in online content.

In 2021, the percentage of Democrats who want the government to regulate online speech increased to 65%, while just over one out of every four Republicans (28%) agreed.

Here's what Pew Research said:

Today, 70% of Republicans say those freedoms should be protected, even it if means some false information is published. Nearly as many Democrats (65%) instead say the government should take steps to restrict false information, even if it means limiting freedom of information.

It gets even more insane. Nearly 80% of Dems believe its a good idea for Big Tech to regulate the truth: You know, at least until the tech overlords decide to come after them.

A similar divergence took place when it came to the two parties' views of whether tech companies should bar the posting or sharing of views it deems "misinformation." A majority of Democrats already backed companies, like social media platforms, quashing speech three years ago, but the percentage has risen to 76% by this year.

Republicans were evenly split in 2018, but today only 37% think powerful online outlets should be able to crack down on disfavored viewpoints.

It's a good thing that government and Big Tech aren't merging, RIGHT?

[Laughs in Mark Zuckerberg]

We have a huge percentage of Americans living in this nation who don't actually believe in the things that makes America, well, America. Has no one read 1984???

What an insane time to be alive!

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