Last week, Project Veritas released a bombshell undercover investigation and follow-up that showed a Pfizer executive talking about discussions to use "directed evolution" (gain-of-function research by another name) to create new Covid strands for new vaccines.
The corporate media responded by just ignoring the story (and YouTube censored it), but because tens of millions of people saw it, Pfizer released a statement that made no effort to deny the man in the Veritas report was employed by Pfizer.
Then they dropped this nugget:
Most of this work is conducted using computer simulations or mutations of the main protease – a non-infectious part of the virus. In a limited number of cases when a full virus does not contain any known gain of function mutations, such virus may be engineered to enable the assessment of antiviral activity in cells.

So they totally don't do gain-of-function or directed evolution. But sometimes they do engineer certain viruses without gain-of-function so that they can "assess" them.

Tucker Carlson had some thoughts last night:
Oh! So you are doing it, huh? But Pfizer says it has no choice but to do these experiments and to keep them secret because the regulators require them.
Now that's big news! If true, which regulators are requiring Pfizer to manipulate coronaviruses. Are these the same regulators that Pfizer's employee Jordon Walker said on tape are controlled by Pfizer?