"The Walking Dead": Philadelphia is in bad, bad shape y'all
· Jan 21, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Things are getting rough in all major cities across the country. But I'm not sure any of it's as bad as what Philadelphia's got:

The Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia - known as 'ground zero' for the city's drug epidemic - is in crisis due to widespread abuse of an animal tranquilizer called xylazine.

Addicts are shooting up in broad daylight, hunched over in a stupor or passed out on the streets. Many have raw, gaping wounds in desperate need of medical attention. And there are needles, syringes and garbage littered across the sidewalks.

'I've never seen human beings remain in these kinds of conditions,' said Sarah Laurel, who runs outreach organization Savage Sisters.

Sadly, many human beings don't "remain in those kinds of conditions"; many of them will quickly die. And however bad it sounds in the written word, it's worse when you actually see it:

Pray for these people. Pray for Philadelphia. And pray that we get a handle on this crisis.

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