Plea agreements being considered by the Biden administration could mean the mastermind of 9/11 and four co-conspirators will avoid the death penalty
· Aug 18, 2023 ·

I seriously cannot believe the Biden administration is even considering this:

Like, am I the only one who thought these people had already been capital punished?

Cuz that should've happened a long time ago.

But now here we are and, of course, it's the clown show Biden Administration considering letting these killers off easy.

I seriously can't believe that.

The Pentagon and FBI have notified some of the families of victims of the 9/11 attacks that suspected terrorist mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and four other defendants could be spared the death penalty under plea agreements being considered by the Biden administration.

The notice came in the form of a letter, obtained by the Associated Press, that was sent to 9/11 families as the government explores how to resolve the more than decade-long prosecution of the alleged terrorists…

The Associated Press reports that in the letter, dated Aug. 1, military prosecutors pledge to consider the views of the 9/11 families before accepting any plea deals, and the note asks recipients to respond to the FBI's victim services division by Monday with any comments or questions about the potential agreements.

The letter is dated August 1. Some of these families received the letter only this week.

So that gives them, what, a few days to respond as to whether they, as family members of those killed in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, agree that the mastermind of the attack and four of his buddies should get off without the death penalty?

No flippin way!

Like, this is beyond embarrassing.

Some text from the letter:

"The Office of the Chief Prosecutor has been negotiating and is considering entering into pre-trial agreements," the letter informs families, adding that while no plea agreement "has been finalized, and may never be finalized, it is possible that a [pre-trial agreement] in this case would remove the possibility of the death penalty."

I don't know, man, I'm pretty against the death penalty most of the time, but in this situation it's like the only option. And I'm not being hyperbolic, I seriously can't believe the Biden Administration even considered this at all — not to mention, they sent out a letter asking FAMILIES OF 9/11 VICTIMS to respond with their questions or comments on the issue.

That's just bad taste.

Jot this one down as yet another embarrassing political move by the worst American president we've seen in modern history.

Great job, Joe.

For a bit more of a deep dive into all the background here check out this article from AP News.

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