Okay, I know police pursuits are no laughing matter, and this man did cause a few minor accidents before this chase came to an end, but this video right here is simply hilarious.
"He's right there!!"
This happened in Los Angeles on Friday morning around 8 a.m.
The chase didn't last very long. The driver was traveling at high speeds on the freeway before getting onto surface roads. The driver continued to drive recklessly. According to Mundel, the driver made contact with at least two other vehicles before rear-ending another vehicle. The driver continued on with a severely damaged front bumper.
Just a few minutes later, the suspect collided with another vehicle at a busy intersection before getting out of the car and running into a nearby alleyway.
I gladly report that the internet has edited the video into a video game, and here it is:
The internet says you're welcome.
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