New poll shows the majority of Americans now distrust Joe Biden's words on Covid
· Sep 28, 2021 ·

I'm glad to see that America is (slowly) waking up.

A majority of Americans questioned in a new survey says President Biden cannot be trusted on the coronavirus pandemic

The Axios-Ipsos poll released Tuesday found that 53 percent of respondents said they didn't have very much trust or no trust at all in Biden to provide accurate information about the coronavirus. Forty-five percent trust the president either a great deal or fair amount, according to the survey.

When Biden first took office in January, 58 percent said they trusted him to provide accurate information about COVID-19.

Perhaps what's amazing isn't that 53% of people have no trust in Biden's words, but that 45% of people actually do.

C'mon, you lefties: Weren't you the people who, for decades, have been preaching against blind trust in the government??

Some people pointed out that the polls shifted against Biden around his insane vax mandate announcement:

Here's the poll if you want to read the data more directly.

Unsurprisingly, the divide was largely along political lines (which SHOULD be insane):

The new poll found that 81 percent of Democrats trusted Biden on the coronavirus, compared to 11 percent of Republicans and 42 percent of independents.

The only thing I can conclude is that Biden voters are putting their fingers in their ears and pretending as hard as they can that this 50-year politician isn't a charlatan who has made an absolute mess of everything he's touched in his first 9 months in office.

Or maybe America is just profoundly uneducated, blind, and a bit stupid. Over 60% of people apparently still trust the CDC!!

Forty-nine percent of respondents said they trusted the federal government to provide accurate information on COVID-19, compared to 54 percent who said as much two weeks ago.

In addition, 50 percent said they trusted their state government to provide accurate information on COVID-19, also down from 54 percent who responded that they trusted the government earlier this month.

Further, 64 percent said they trusted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, down 2 percentage points from when the last survey.

Sixty percent said they trusted "national public health officials" to provide accurate information about COVID-19, down 2 points.

At least we are (again, sluggishly) headed in the right direction.

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