Premature twins who were the size of soda cans at birth finally headed home after 138 days in the NICU
· Sep 20, 2023 ·

This is the cutest, most heartwarming story ever. These kids, when they were born, were the size of soda cans.

12 and 15 ounces at birth, and these two bundles of joy made it out alive. After 138 days in the NICU they're finally moving in with mom and dad.

Such a great story. Look at these little munchkins.

"There was only a 10-20% chance they would survive and developmental delays were possible," Homrock said. "At just 22 weeks they became the youngest surviving twins born at Cleveland Clinic."

After their mom, Kimberly Thomas, delivered them, the babies had to be resuscitated and intubated. "Kimberly spent every day and night in the NICU, unable to hold them for one month because their skin was too fragile," Homrock added.

After 138 straight days of receiving care in the NICU, Kimyah and DJ were cleared to go home with their parents Kimberly and Damante Jackson.

Kimyah and DJ were only 22 weeks gestation when they were born, Kimya weighing in at 12 ounces, and DJ at 15. It's amazing, the advances modern medicine has made.

"Along with medical advancements to care for premature babies, research shows centers that push the envelope consistently have more successful outcomes," said Firas Saker, MD, the medical director of Cleveland Clinic Children's Level III NICU at Hillcrest Hospital.

"If you asked me 10 years ago, resuscitation at less than 24 weeks gestation would not have been possible without the advanced technology and skillset we have today. We have a great team that's been able to make a tremendous amount of progress."

And look at this: Caregivers at the hospital threw the little ones a graduation party after they were cleared to go home, and it's just the cutest thing ever.

And now they are safe at home with mom and dad and we all have a great reason to smile.

Heartwarming story of the week right there!

I put this at the end so you didn't have to read with tears in your eyes.




Here's a tissue if you need it.

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