Prison nurse’s lasagna found to have an extra layer of cocaine and marijuana.
· Aug 3, 2024 ·

Indiana State Prison Nurse Regina Davis set off some culinary alarms when she brought her special lasagna to work.

As the layers of cheese and noodles wobbled through the x-ray machine, Officer R. Storey noticed she had added some extra ingredients to the dish: electrical tape.

The food was frozen but after digging into it, black electrical tape could be seen in the middle of the food. Three packages, two taped together, were retrieved. The items were processed and field tested positive to be 49g of marijuana and 84g of cocaine as well as loose, small, black granules resembling crushed charcoal that did not field test positive for anything.

Now, I'm no culinary expert, but I'm pretty sure electrical tape, charcoal, marijuana, and cocaine aren't going to do much to improve the flavor of a lasagna.

Though there was that lady in Florida who served marijuana-laced lasagna at her wedding, so I could be wrong on that count.

But I definitely know it's illegal to smuggle at least two of those items into a state prison.

Initially, Davis claimed not to know there were drugs in her lasagna.

Davis claimed she was given the food and did not known it contained contraband. She then agreed to a search of her phone

After they searched her phone, her story changed.

Authorities allege pictures of 'wrapped packs' were taken the day prior. She claimed unknown people from unknown numbers began making threats and she as instructed to go with 'a black guy' to pick up the drugs, according to documents.

She told authorities the marijuana was already wrapped but she wrapped the cocaine herself.

She was told that someone would come to pick up the lasagna and give the code phrase.

'I need some foot cream.'

Which is about as weird as smuggling drugs in a lasagna.

What deranged prisoner came up with this plan?

And is it just a coincidence that Garfield's creator is Jim Davis?

Probably, but Nurse Davis is being held on a $1,500 bail and going to trial for her lasagna smuggling antics.

What did she expect would happen?

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