Pro-life groups set up their own medical bus in Chicago, offering lifetime supply of diapers to any woman who will walk away from her DNC mobile abortion
· Aug 22, 2024 ·

Planned Parenthood showed up at the Democratic National Convention, offering free vasectomies, abortions, and other in-kind gifts to attendees.

But pro-life groups have not given up their mandate to rescue every child from being murdered in the womb just because the unborn children are at a massive political bash celebrating baby sacrifice.

Instead, Every Life, a pro-life diaper company, announced that it would provide a free lifetime of diaper support for any mother who opted out of aborting her child at the DNC and chose life.

EveryLife is partnering with Sidewalk Advocates for Life and the life-affirming mobile medical unit from ThriVe Nation, equipped with ultrasound services, who are on the ground in Chicago, outside the DNC, to provide a lifetime supply of EveryLife diapers to any pregnant mom seeking an abortion at the Planned Parenthood abortion/vasectomy bus and chooses life instead.

Sidewalk Advocates for Life volunteers also handed out pro-life gift bags to attendees.

They provided updates during the events via Facebook.

Also in the mix were Democrats for Life (yes, they exist — for now), who were at the events trying to save lives, and they managed to raise $5,000 while they were there. They did so, "to provide the local Chicago community and immigrants with free diapers."

And if we're going to compare issues, saving babies takes priority over immigration, so …

Well done to all those involved in these efforts outside the DNC.

Judging by the speeches and attendees' applause inside the DNC, the message seems to have fallen on deaf ears, but at least, someone is there delivering it.

Shout out to Not the Bee users @satirenap and @doctordoctor for the heads up about this story.

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