Get a load of these losers.
At a Saint Patrick's Day parade in Toronto, a group of pro-Palestine agitators crashed the festivities with chants of "Free Free Palestine."
[Warning: Language]
Wow. Looks like fun!
These seem to be totally sane people:
Of course, some in the crowd, who appeared to be fresh off the boat from Pakistan, gleefully joined the chant.
A local indie journalist tried to converse with these clowns, and was treated to the following exchange:
[Warning: Language]
Journalist: 'Happy St. Patrick's Day!'
Clowns: 'No. F — St. Patrick.'
Journalist: 'What do you mean?'
Clowns: 'He's a killer. He killed people. He got rid of people. He genocided people.'
When the journalist disagreed with the keffiyeh-wearing idiots' claims, the keffiyeh-wearing idiots accused him of being a pedophile.
Several internet commenters noticed these people just seem to hate Christianity:
One thing seems clear: the useful idiots are united by a hatred of the Christian West and they'll gladly unite with Islamic terrorists to tear it down.
Leave St. Patrick's Day alone, ya degenerates.
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