I've finally made it.
I've finally been blasted as "flippant" by Real Clear Politics!
Even better, it's for scolding David French!!
Adam Ford is looking down on me right now from his mountainside bunker like:
Yes, I wrote a "scathing attack" on "conservative" (LOL) David French. It was for this:
What's happening here is an old tactic. First, the Left gets a guy like David French to pose as a "conservative Christian," even though he has demonstrated time and time again that his devotion to the secular pluralistic gods outweigh conservative principles, let alone the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
After this infiltrator says something like "The 10 Commandments in classrooms is a bad thing, actually," the Left prepares to circle the wagons. They are in the business of converting hearts and minds, and they don't want a silly little Christ follower like me poking holes in their gospel because it might muck up their plans.
To make a rabble rouser like me into a persona non grata, they use the same tactics that NIH officials did when they were busy convincing Christians that lockdowns and mandates were a good thing, actually (see Megan Basham's reporting here): They try to turn fellow believers against me.
They point out that people like me aren't being very nice, with the insinuation that I'm not being a good Christian.
First, they establish their credentials:
Then, like Satan, they use a Bible verse or Christian authority figure to establish their case:
Ah, but I can play those games too! 👇
"Above all else, the Devil cannot stand to be mocked." - C.S. Lewis
Being flippant is not a sin.
Taking clown world seriously is.
These false gods around us - all the holy temples of wokeness that adorn the highest institutions of our land - are rotten and evil. Taking them seriously: That is the sin.
Had Real Clear Politics been alive in 9th-century-BC Israel, it might have offered its services to King Ahab and Jezebel, opining on how the Prophet Elijah was destroying public discourse by being flippant of Baal and his priests.
At noon Elijah mocked them. He said, 'Shout loudly, for he's a god! Maybe he's thinking it over; maybe he has wandered away; or maybe he's on the road. Perhaps he's sleeping and will wake up!'
I take my words seriously. Jesus says I will give an account for "every empty word" that I have ever spoken (Matthew 12:36). The Bible likewise says that the tongue is like the rudder of a ship and can corrupt the whole body (James 3).
That is why I won't unleash some denigrating, foul-mouthed tirade against Real Clear Politics writer Aaron Pomerantz. He is a person made in the image of God, and I will treat him with respect. I will strive to win him over and be a peacemaker insofar as I can.
But there can be no peace with evil. The Devil must be mocked. Always. At every opportunity.
Or have you not read Ephesians 6?
Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this darkness, against evil, spiritual forces in the heavens.
As C.S. Lewis puts it:
There is no neutral ground in the universe. Every square inch, every split second is claimed by God, and counterclaimed by Satan.
The David-French brand of "neutrality" is impossible. Therefore, when he writes about keeping the Ten Commandments out of the classroom while the LGBT flag flies proudly in schools across the nation, he is doing the work of Satan. I'm sorry but not sorry to put it so bluntly.
There is no reasoning with clown world. There is no taking it seriously. As soon as you let that mind virus get a hold in your head, it will take you over completely. I shared a short story to drive that point home in an article this week:
It's not flippancy that's our problem. It's that we take clownish things like personal pronouns seriously while we profane sacred things by letting boys undress in girls' locker rooms. We are told to austerely respect people's personal "healthcare" choices, even when that choice is the poisoning or dismemberment of an infant.
God help us, only the Devil could have conceived of such things!
The Real Clear Politics article ends this way:
... if we truly want a less polarized society, that must start with addressing even the small ways we make it less civil through flippant jokes and insults. It also means having higher expectations of those who lead our popular discourse. If we truly want a more civil civil society, we need to start with how that society talks - and jokes - amongst itself.
No. This argument leads to the policing of speech and the death of liberty.
If we want a less polarized society, we allow people to speak freely and we reason together to establish the truth. Being civil means nothing without truth. We won't even agree on what is "nice" if we have different standards of what is true, real, and good.
If someone takes gender ideology as a serious philosophical system worthy of praise, they should be allowed to defend it and I should be allowed to mock it. Our debate will be a winnowing fire like the flames that Elijah called down from heaven. We will see which Word, which Logos, which God has actual power.
This type of vigorous debate, including parody and mockery, is the cornerstone of our civilization. Go back and read the types of things people said about each other's ideas at the founding of America. I'll wait!
So if Real Clear Politics and its writers cared about a less polarized society, they would encourage this kind of open playing field. Instead, they point to civility and niceties, which has long been the tactic of the tyrant doing Satan's bidding.
Speaking of that defeated old snake, C.S. Lewis wasn't the first to note that Satan hates being the butt of a joke. Thomas Moore once wrote: "The devil ... the prowde spirite ... cannot endure to be mocked." Martin Luther likewise wrote, "The best way to drive out the devil, if he will not yield to texts of Scripture, is to jeer and flout him, for he cannot bear scorn."
This is why I will mock him and his clown world ceaselessly, like Robin Hood mocking King John.
Long live the True King.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇