Early last fall the U.S. was plunged into a frantic public hysteria over images of U.S. Border Patrol agents "whipping" illegal immigrants from Haiti.
It was pretty obvious after about 0.003 seconds of viewing that photo that the border patrol agent was not "whipping" the immigrant, and that the "whip" in question was actually just the horse's reins—a component of horse tack that's been around for, you know, a few thousand years. Even the photographer who took the famous picture said it wasn't whipping!
Anyway after all the hair-pulling and shrieking and accusations, the Biden administration has decided that the border patrol agents in question were actually, you know, acting within the confines of the law:
National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd told the Daily Caller News Foundation that the border agents accused of "whipping" migrants in September were cleared of criminal misconduct amid an ongoing investigation into the incident.
"The only reason that we know that they were cleared is because OPR [Office of Professional Responsibility] started their investigation and they compelled them to give a statement," Judd told the DCNF. "Once you compel somebody to give a statement, you can't take criminal action against them."
Sounds about right!

To be sure, the investigation isn't over yet:
Judd said that the investigation will now focus on possible policy violations.
Somehow I'm thinking they won't find anything there either!

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