Remember the Loudon County dad who says his daughter was raped by a "gender-fluid" student in the school bathroom? The prosecutor going after him has connections to George Soros

Joel Abbott

Oct 18, 2021

I'm really tired of George Soros being the boogeyman scapegoat for every evil in America.

I'm also really tired of seeing that he actually is the boogeyman for so many evils in America.

The Loudoun County prosecutor who sought jail time against a father who was arrested at a school board meeting after his daughter was allegedly sexually assaulted in a school bathroom has ties to progressive megadonor George Soros and Democratic Virginia gubernatorial nominee Terry McAuliffe.

Loudoun County Commonwealth's Attorney Buta Biberaj was described in the explosive report by The Daily Wire as the "progressive" elected county prosecutor who ran on a platform of ending "mass incarceration," but yet she sought jail time for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, both misdemeanor charges, against Scott Smith.

You can find the original story on this madness here:

The TL;DR version:

  • Loudoun County – the wokest of rich school districts in America – has mandated that staff and students allow trans students to use whatever bathrooms they please AND use their preferred "pronouns" under threat of disciplinary action.
  • In May, one of these trans students – a 15-year-old boy wearing a dress – allegedly raped Scott Smith's daughter in the girl's bathroom.
  • The Daily Wire noted that the school covered up the attack and transferred the boy to another school, where he allegedly sexually assaulted another girl in a classroom.
  • Smith managed to get a rape kit test arranged for his daughter and that evidence helped in the arrest of the boy earlier this month.

Smith was made the poster boy for "white rage" when he was arrested at a school board meeting in June after he lost his temper at another parent, who criticized the rape allegations and said she would ruin his plumbing business on social media.

Smith was charged with a misdemeanor. Despite that minor offense (basically being loud and resisting arrest for a few seconds), Prosecutor Buta Biberaj has made it her personal mission to throw the book at him and make him the face of white supremacy.

Biberaj was one of several Soros-backed prosecutors elected in Northern Virginia in 2019 after her campaign received more than $860,000 from Soros' Justice and Public Safety PAC. She is a criminal reform advocate and member of a group of the commonwealth's attorneys called Virginia Progressive Prosecutors for Justice, which calls for eliminating mandatory minimum sentences and cash bail.

Biberaj is also a close ally with McAuliffe, who reportedly accepted a $250,000 contribution from Soros for his campaign in August. Biberaj, who has praised McAulliffe as being "part of the progress" that Virginia needs, joined the former Democratic governor as recently as Oct. 2 at a campaign event in Leesburg.

Like I said, I'm tired of all America's woes being blamed on the cabal of elites led by George Soros, who flood local elections with cash to ensure decent people are destroyed in the name of neo-Marxism.

But I'm even more tired of that stereotype being true.

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