Rep. Cori Bush says July 4th is only for white people because black Americans aren’t free. People had some thoughts for the esteemed black congresswoman.
· Jul 5, 2021 ·

You have to be in a cult to believe this nonsense:

If this land is all stolen and America is the most evil empire in this history of ever, why is Cori Bush representing said nation in a cushy congressional gig?

And if black Americans aren't free, how is a black woman like Cori Bush in one of the most powerful political positions in the country?

Unless you've been brainwashed by Critical Race Theory to believe that "whiteness" is our new original sin and that every system in America is racist from the ground up, you know that everything she's peddling here is sheer emotional manipulation built on lies.

Here were a few thoughts for the congresswoman:

What an amazing nation, where even race-hustling balloonheads can live like queens!

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