Guys, it's been a minute, but unfortunately, it's time to tap the sign again.
Germany is seriously, seriously messed up if this report is accurate.
(They made it almost 80 years without going full psycho again)
The German Bundestag has accepted a petition outlining children's rights which was drafted by men involved in a pro-pedophilia activist organization. Krumme-13, a lobby group which advocates for lowering the age of consent and legalizing child pornography, announced on its website that a resolution developed by the group's founder, Dieter Gieseking, had achieved enough votes to be added to the constitution, or Basic Law.
Before we get into the details of the amendment, let's first consider the fact that this is MESSED UP BEYOND BELIEF!
Germany read a petition by a pro-pedo/pro-kiddie porn group, written by a convicted pedophile, and said "Let's move forward on this proposal."

Among the rights listed within the petition's text is the assertion that children have "the right to have a say in all matters that affect their emotional, mental and physical well-being," and "the right to the free development of their personality."
"Sexual self-determination" is included in Article 2 of the Basic Law under the phrase "free development of personality," a fact that Gieseking (the pedophilic author) made certain to point out to his followers on his website.
Yeah, Germany's constitution is going to allow children to have "sexual self-determination," meaning that CHILDREN are going to be viewed, by law, as able to determine how and with whom they can have sexual relations of preferences.

A slippery slope is, frankly, such an understatement.
This slope is pure ice covered in a grease slick. It's so over, people.
Germany APPROVED this amendment, slipping it in with other amendments and hiding the name of the group involved in crafting the amendment.
This grouping of multiple petitions was formally finalized on October 11. Due to the petitions being considered as a bundle, when representatives voted during the October 19 session, neither Gieseking's name nor the title of his organization, Krumme-13 (K13), appears on the Bundestag website for that day.
And the pedo group is ecstatic about it!
"In addition to all of the proposed children's rights, sexual self-determination must also be protected and included in the Basic Law," reads a K13 blog post about the petition dated July 2022.
"Pedophilia must also be included in sexual identity. Pedophiles in particular must be fundamentally protected from discrimination in the Basic Law. And this is completely independent of sexual criminal law. The vast majority of the estimated 250,000 pedophiles do not commit any of these types of crimes. Pedophilia is a separate sexual identity."
The activists have been demanding that the "pedophile [sexual] identity" be "protected from discrimination, criminalization, exclusion and persecution" under Germany's equality laws.
You know how they say America is 5 years behind Europe?

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