Yes, this is a real article from Reuters.
Just look at that beaut of a headline:
So some people got struck by lightning, which has literally been happening as long as humans have been on this planet, and our very objective and very non-agenda-driven media felt it necessary to tell us that it happened because cLiMaTe ChAnGe. 🥴
Since they're really giving this a go, we might as well read the first few paragraphs...
OK one more...
Got that? Let's follow the Reuters logic:
- It was 5 degrees warmer that day than the average temperature. ✅
- When it's warmer, lightning strikes more often. ✅
- Even though we're not allowed to question climate change during record cold snaps, any day that it's a few degrees hotter than average is because of CLIMATE CHANGE! ✅
- Don't think too hard about it or ask any questions you commoner. ✅
Any questions??
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇